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X3 Distribute (X3 EN)


Supplier E-Mail


Here you enter the destination email address for the supplier email.

Run in test mode


IP address to run

Enter the IP address to be used for the test here.

Run in test mode

Activate or deactivate the test mode.

Order number

Here you enter the order number to be used for the test.

Production Holidays


Production Holidays

You can add production-free times via the "Add Value" button.

Resize preview image


Resize preview image to

Here you specify to which size the preview images should be scaled.

Store Selection


Delivery Days

Here you can specify a global production time (in days), which will be added to production time of web products and partial product option values.

Prinect connection


Enable connection to Prinect

Activate or deactivate the connection to Prinect.

Prinect server address

If required, enter the server address for connecting Prinect modules here.

Customer Notes

Customer notes replace the Cost Center Number and allows you to add text fields to your product pages for your customers to add e.g. Numbers, Notes, Hints etc.


There is no limit in the number of customer notes. Every note has the following settings:

  • “Label“ is the label displayed in the product page (see screenshot).

    1. Required

  • “Code” is used for the mapping .

    1. It can not contain spaces , ( Example: customer_note )

    2. Required  

  • “Show in product page” can be 1 or 0

    1. 0 means that it will not be added to the all product pages

    2. 1 means that it will be added to the all product pages

    3. Required 

  • “Placeholder”  is the input placeholder 

    1. It can be null

  • “Text length”  is used for setting a max text length that customer can entry there

    1. It can be null

  • “Add to print selection” can be 1 or 0

    1. 1 means that it will be added to print selection (in cart , in documents , etc) 

    2. 0 means that it will not be added to print selection.

    3. Required 

  • Clicking the red button will delete the row.

Customer notes will not be displayed by default in jobsheets. The line is commented by default. If you would like to see customer notes in jobsheet you have to uncomment the line:

Within the web product you can decide if customer notes should be displayed for this specific product or not.

Production Time


Enable Production Time

Here you can enable or disable added production time.

Distribute Email Configuration


Attach Printfiles to Distribute Email

Here you can choose whether to attach the print files to the Distributs email.



Enable automatic invoicing

Select whether to send invoices automatically.

Invoicing payment methods

Here you can set the payment method for invoices in the selected store (credit card, bank transfer, etc.).

Multi shipping min qty

Here you enter the minimum quantity for shipping to different addresses.

Enable automatic shipping

Select whether to enable automatic shipping.

Here you can upload your logo.

Collective Invoice


Pdf Footer Template

Edit the footer area of the PDF invoice formatted in HTML text here.

The invoice function can also be assigned to individual customers. To do this, select a customer under the Customers tab and click Account Information on the left. Then set the menu next to Enable Collective Invoice to "Yes" and click Save Customers in the upper right corner.

Footer Margins

This is where you enter the spacing of the PDF footer.

The format of the footer is left-top-right-bottom in mm (e.g.: 5-15-5-20).

Pdf Header Template

Here you can insert a template for the PDF header.

Header Margins

Here you can enter the spacing of the PDF header.

The format of the header is left-top-right-bottom in mm (e.g.: 5-15-5-20).

Pdf Margins

Here you can set the distance to the margin of the invoice sheet in millimeters (mm).

The format is left-top-right-bottom in mm (e.g.: 5-15-5-20)

Logo Size

Sets the size of the logo printed on the invoice that can be uploaded.

Background Image

Upload an image for the background of the PDF invoice here.

Optionally upload a logo to be placed on the invoice here. This logo will be overwritten by the Magento invoice logo.

Distribute Run Type


Enable Production Time

Here you can set the store to closed store or open store mode.

Open Shop disables automatic invoice creation and dispatch through the printQ distribution process. Instead, printQ only forwards the order to production and sends you a job ticket once the invoice has been created, either manually (e.g. after receipt of the advance payment) or automatically through a payment link (e.g. PayPal, Payone, etc.). In this way, printQ ensures that no order goes into production before it has been marked as paid.

Closed Shop assumes that it is a B2B store where payment is usually handled via payment on account within framework agreements. Therefore, the printQ sales process will automatically generate invoices once orders have been routed to production and you have received a job ticket. This is a fully automated process that requires no manual intervention.

Run orders newer than

Here you can specify whether all orders or only orders older than X weeks, months or one year should be handled.



Enable Impositioning

Here you can enable or disable the function.

By default, impositioning is limited to simple business cards on SRA3 sheets. If you need adjustments here, our support team will be happy to help you.

Production Methods Transfer


Error Email Address

Enter an email address for error messages in case the data transfer via FTP/SFTP should fail.

Connect files automatically


Automatically connect files

Here you have the possibility to automatically connect uploaded files to the purchased order without the customer having to assign them via a button in the frontend.

Transactional Mail



Enter the email address here.


Here you enter the name that should be displayed.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.