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Shapes (vers. 6)


The name of the shape doesn’t need to be unique. Instead, you can have multiple shapes called “Butterfly”.


Here you can select your already uploaded shape.

Select an SVG to upload

Here you can upload your shape. You can only upload SVG files. Everything else will not be displayed in the editor.

Short specs for the shapes:

  • the size of the file is important (if the svg has more than 300 to 400 elements the loading speed will be affected). That said please have as less paths and elements as possible in the SVG.

  • use only vectorial elements (e.g. lines, paths)

  • do not use embedded images or texts

  • do not use gradients, shadows, image effects

  • do not use different types of clipping

CMYK Background

Here you can add the CMYK for your SVG - which will be used in the final print file. For the calculation and how you can do it, you can read it here: CMYK.

CMYK Stroke

Here you can add the CMYK for your SVGs stroke - which will be used in the final print file. The color needs to be set in CMYK and in percent.

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