Important System Links (vers. 6)
Paths on our system for v6
For Magento: html/app/design/frontend/smartwave/porto/i18n
For printQ: datacenter/external/recources/lang (the .json files, not the language folders themselves)
Templates (Invoice, JDF, Jobsheet, etc.):
Invoice, Jobsheet, etc.: html/templates
JDF templates: html/templates/jdf
Adding a new customer to the tool, go to config and open the config.php file: html/productionFilesTool/config/config.php
The URL to open the tool in your browser: your-url/productionFilesTool (please note that the url is case sensitive, use uppercase F and uppercase T to access)
Photo mapping: /datacenter/storage/app/public/formatphotorule
Factsheet mapping: /datacenter/storage/app/public/printq/factsheet
3D Models:
.html und .js files: /datacenter/public/personalization/3d_models
Babylon files: /datacenter/public/personalization/3d_models/assets
Production Files:
Packaging textures: /datacenter/public/packing_textures
SVG Live templates: /datacenter/public/personalization/svg_live_template
functions.js and functions.php: /datacenter/public/personalization
LFP Editor corners: /datacenter/storage/app/public/oie/corners
LFP Editor sockets: /datacenter/storage/app/public/oie/sockets