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Cloudlab Configuration

Clear Cache

If anything is changed in the Templates, Layouts, Indesign Packages, Themes, etc. you need to clear the cache for loading your new changes. A good example would be, that you changed the PDF for a personalization template. After changing you immediately open the product in the frontend and you’ll still see the old PDF.

If you now head back and press the Clear Cache button and refresh the product, you’ll see that the new personalization template shows up.

Generate Font Sprite

After adding a new font or new fonts, you should click this button to generate a font sprite. This will create a picture of your font and add it to the other fonts - which are shown in the textbox font selection dropdown. If you don’t use Font lazyload, then this button is irrelevant.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.