X3 Translations (Config) (X3 EN)
In this menu, you can view the translation files for printQ/packQ. You also have the possibility to edit existing translations. However, we recommend editing and adding new translations directly from the FTP server. The path for the file is:
The product pages are translated via the matrix_ländercode.json files (e.g. matrix_de_DE.json).
Editors, backend, and other printQ/packQ frontend information are translated via landercode.json (e.g. de_DE.json).
.json files are subject to strict syntax.
The file starts with a curly bracket "{" (without "") and ends with a curly bracket "}" (without "")
The structure of a translation is always: "Original string": "Translation".
Each line ends with a comma, if another line follows
The last line with a translation never has a comma
If you upload your file and the Backend/Frontend is no longer accessible, there is a syntax error in the file. Check the above points carefully and import a backup file if necessary.
Example file: