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X3 Themes (X3 EN)

In the Themes section, you have the possibility to customize the design of the editors. You can also create new themes ("Duplicate") to enable different editor designs for different stores.

In order to use the design you have created, you still need to link it to the corresponding store view.



Reset the current filter.

Theme Details



The name of the topic. This cannot be changed in the Data Center.


The code of the topic. It cannot be changed in the Data Center either.

Sidebar background color

Color of the background in the sidebar of the editor.

Sidebar background color active

Color of the background in the sidebar of the editor when you activate something.

Icon Color

Color of the icon.

Branding color

Color of the branding.

Here you can edit the logo.

Here you can change the loading icon that you see when you start the editor.


Here you can change the favicon of your website. The favicon is a small icon on the browser tab.

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