X3 Servers (X3 EN)
Rest Server
Personalization Rest Server
This configuration defines which rest server is used to generate the personalized PDFs. The URL should not be changed by the customer under any circumstances, but only by CloudLab employees if required.
Packing Rest Server
This configuration defines which rest server is used to generate the personalized packing PDFs. The URL should not be changed by the customer under any circumstances, but only by CloudLab employees if required.
Api Templates
Enable Api Templates
Enable Api Templates.
Key generated by Cloudlab to connect to the API Gallery.
Specify Api Url that leads to your image gallery on your Personalization Rest Server.
API Language
Specify in wich Api Language the Template gallery is present.
API Gallery Image URL
Specify the URL where the Api Image come from. If you have any further questions, please contact your project manager.
Artwork Server
Personalization Artwork Server
Add the URL for the personalization artwork server.
File Conversion Server
File Conversion Artwork Server
Add the URL for the file conversion artwork server.