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X3 Matrix (X3 EN)


Magento Catalog Pricing Rules

Use Magento Catalog Pricing Rules

Set this to Yes if you want to use Magento catalogue pricing rules or multiple currencies. This will affect the performance.

Matrix Currency - can be overwritten by Magento



Here you can enable or disable the function.


Here you can enter your preferred currency symbol (e.g.:"€").

Decimal separator

Here you can enter your preferred decimal separator (e.g.: ",").

Thousand separator

Here you enter your preferred 1000 separator (e.g.: ".").


Here you define if the currency symbol should be in front or behind the price. (e.g.: "29.99€" or "$29.99").

Number of decimals

Here you can choose how many decimals should be displayed.

Add space between symbol and price

Here you can specify whether a space should be displayed between the price and the currency symbol.

Matrix Tooltip



Enables or disables the display of tooltips in the matrix

Tooltip in page option value - matrix

Here you can select whether tooltips for partial product option values should be displayed in the full-page configuration product page.

Tooltip in page option value - poptext

Allows you to choose whether to display tooltips for partial product option values on the configuration product page.

Tooltip in page option - matrix

Here you can choose whether tooltips for partial product options should be displayed in the full page configuration product page.

Tooltip in page option - poptext

Here you can choose whether tooltips for partial product options should be displayed on the configuration product page.

Tooltip mobile

Specify whether the tooltips should also be displayed in the mobile view (e.g.: on the smartphone).

Matrix Design


Activate Transition

Enables a transition for matrix Blocks.

Show container toggle

Shows a display for switching a container.

Hide search box in poptexts

Decide, if the Search box should be hidden in Poptexts.

Hide quotation button

Decide, if the quotation button should be hidden.

Matrix Caching


Matrix get config caching

Activate or deactivate the cache for product pages. This function should only be used for non-Magento shops.

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