X3 Indesign Packages (X3 EN)
Here you deposit your InDesign packages to make them usable for our editors (OTP and Designer).

Create a new Indesign package in the datacenter.
Reset the current filter.
There are two ways to upload:
Import Bulk

Here you can easily upload multiple .zip archives at once.

Name of the InDesign package.
Select package to upload
Here you can upload your InDesign package as a ZIP file.
Here you set whether the InDesign package should be usable for our standard editors (OTP and Designer) or for the brochure editor.
Here you decide if the Indesign Package is only visible for a specific store view within the data center. When no store is selected, the Package is globally available for all store views.
Please make sure that you always use static fonts in your InDesigns. Only the first style is used for variable fonts.