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X2 Refinements

Here you will find all the finishes stored in the system, which you can access in the Designer.

It is not possible to create a new finish directly via the backend. If you want a new finishing type for your editors, simply contact your project manager.

You can change some settings of the finishes. To do this, simply click on "Edit".


Here you can change the name of the refinement.


Here you set the type of refinement. This should not be changed.

Highlight Name

Here you can set the highlighted name.

CMYK Value

Here you can set the CMYK value which should be used on the template and the PDF.


Here you can select the image to be displayed as a thumbnail in the editor for the respective finishing.

Upload thumbnail

Here you upload your own images, which should be available as thumbnails.


Here you decide if the color is only visible for a specific store view within the data center.

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