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X1 Create store

Here you create a new store view without jumping to the overview.


Name of the store view. Tip: Name the store views exactly the same as in your e-commerce system to make it easier for you to assign them.


The code that is used for the link between Magento and Datacenter. It must be identical to the code of the store view in Magento (Stores → Configuration → Select Store View → CloudLab → Datacenter).

Editor Store URL

Here you enter the URL of the editor for the store.

Main Store URL

Here you enter the URL of the store itself.

Store Type

Here you can select the type of e-commerce system.


This key must be identical to the one from the Store View in Magento (Stores → Configuration → Select Store View → CloudLab → Datacenter).

Magento API Token

This field can be left empty. The API token will be added automatically after saving.

Editor Theme

The editor theme you want to use for this store view.

Matrix Theme

The theme for the product pages you want to use for this store view.


The language you want to use for this store view. In the standard version only the languages "German" and "English" are delivered. If you need another language for your store, please contact CloudLab support. They will then create the corresponding entry for you.

Is Active

This is used to make the store view active.

Is Default

Here you decide whether the Store View should always be displayed first when you log in to the Datacenter.

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